Yesterday, after a couple of days doing other work,
I returned to my voyage of discovery to learn how to publish my ebooks. I don't think it's particularly arduous; there are simply some decisions to be made and some hoops to jump
through. I have a number of non-related daily tasks that I must perform to maintain my personal and work routine; I am currently skipping through these so that I can achieve P-day
(Publishing Day) as quickly as possible.
Yesterday I finished my chores and set about
learning as much as I can about publication from good old Google Search. It all went pear-shaped after lunch when the internet went down and stayed down - the modem showed 2 constant green
lights - not a good sign, which meant that our service had been disrupted between ISP and our modem.
My able assistant (my better half) called and
discovered that there was a technical problem and the service would be down for a while.
I had downloaded a few sites, but I couldn't do
much with them so I gave up and moved on to Plan B - to read through Book 1 (Two Weeks) draft to correct and adjust it. It's fully written but this was the first major
What a pleasure that turned out to be. I couldn't put it down - I was enjoying it so much. Even when the modem popped into life six hours later, I ignored it and plodded on with checking the draft. I gobbled my dinner and returned to my computer to work late into the night (surely "work" can't be the right word for such a pleasurable task!).
When I woke this morning at 4 a.m. - that happens
sometimes - I was straight back at it again and now, 24 hours later, I've finished the read through. I'm really happy with the story and hope that you will be too when its published.
The finished article is getting closer!
I still have a number of routine checks to do on the draft of course and then I'll read through the draft again and make any final adjustments. Yes, I'm that close. Finally, I'll save as a pdf file and read through it one more time as if it's a finished book - which I hope it will be by then.
In the meantime, I have to go back to my day job as I haven't yet looked at my routine daily tasks today. It's so satisfying when something enjoyable diverts me.
I'll go back to my publishing research over the weekend, internet permitting, as this is also something I'm eager to understand. I can then make a publishing task list and begin to talk to publishers and others. More on that in future blogs.
Yours in naturism
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